Friday, February 19, 2010

I'll be 20 this year..

so it's time to grow up and start living!

So I have a million things I want to do and I'm ever so excited about this one project kaitlynn and I are taking on.
I can't think of the last thing that ever made me this excited.

I want my good grades and I want to travel. I want good heath and happy times.

So one step at a time.

oh me

I have too many thoughts in my head right now to even sit here and try to write them out. So I;ll just put my to-do list

To Do
  • wash clothes
  • make a clothes line
  • do last psy quiz
i cant think of any more

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

love and hate

I heard love and hate are pretty much the same thing, and right now I get it.

I hate this person right now, this person knows how to make every bone in my body angry, yet I will never stop loving this person.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

When your busy, time flies!

Because of school, every day I'm up at the latest ..7am and I'm going going going tell around midnight. I think this is the first time in my life I have ever been this busy and I don't even have a job!! I have no idea how people go to school full time and hold a part time job, while still keeping their grades up. Not to mention having a social life!

I really only now understand why people say that there is not enough time in a day.

My grades are pretty good but there is room from improvement. Today I got my first espanol exam back and I got 80%! Now compared to how horrible I was doing on some of my quizzes before the exam (sadly one quiz I believe I got a 35%) I was very very pleased with my B. So next exam I'm shooting for an A.

In my history of schooling English has always been my worst subject, I cant spell to save my life and all the rules of writing flew right over my head and I still I'm not sure when a comma should or should not be used. So this semester I'm really surprising myself in my English class, I had to write a fairy tale and it was worth 50 points, and I just got it back yesterday and it read

"49/50 good job Michelle , M."

The only reason it was not the full 50 points was because I didn't give it a creative title, I labeled it "Fairy Tale.". So note to self, don't make that mistake again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

get over yourself

Your soul is no better then any other soul on this earth, no matter what your mind tells you.

No matter what you know or where you have been, YOU ARE NO BETTER.

So get your head out of the clouds and come back down to earth.

Your judgment gets you nowhere!